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The End of The Affair

Dane płyty

CD 1086
Michael Nyman
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The End of The Affair
Tytuł fimu polski:
Koniec romansu


  1. Diary of Hate (2:38)
  2. Henry (1:46)
  3. The First Time (2:15)
  4. Vigo Passage (1:05)
  5. Jealous of the Rain (5:28)
  6. Tha Party In Question (3:47)
  7. Intimacy (3:02)
  8. Smythe with a Y (1:54)
  9. Dispossessed (3:23)
  10. Love Doesn´t End (4:32)
  11. Diary of Love (5:14)
  12. Breaking The Spell (1:20)
  13. I Know Your Voice, Sarah (4:09)
  14. Sarah Dies (3:02)
  15. The End of The Affair (3:06)