Katalog płyt CD PWSFTviT w Łodzi

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The Associate

Dane płyty

CD 1148
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Associate
Tytuł fimu polski:


  1. All That I Need (4:06) Ce Ce Peniston
  2. Makin' My Way (Any Way That I Can) (5:22) Wynonna Judd
  3. The Border Song (3:54) Sophie B. Hawkins
  4. Keep Hope Alive (4:42) Tamia
  5. Eventually (4:51) Shades
  6. Mr. Big Stuff (4:14) Queen Latifah / Shades and Free
  7. Yes We Can, Can (3:35) Taral Hicks / Chantay Savage / LaShanda Reese / The Pointer Sisters
  8. Are You Ready For Me? (4:32) Patra
  9. The Turning Point (5:27) LaShanda Reese
  10. It's A Man's Man's Man's World (2:46) James Brown
  11. Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now (5:45) Kate Pierson / Cindy Wilson
  12. Nice Doin' Business (4:11) Louise Hoffsten