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Love's Labour's Lost

Dane płyty

CD 1180
Patrick Doyle
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Love's Labour's Lost
Tytuł fimu polski:
Stracone zachody miłości


  1. Love's Labour's Lost (1:41)
  2. I'd Rather Charleston with You (medley) (1:45)
  3. Arrival of the Princess (3:15)
  4. I Won't Dance (medley) (2:06)
  5. I Get a Kick Out of You (medley) (2:42)
  6. "With that face..." / No Strings (I'm Fancy Free) (medley) (2:44)
  7. The Way You Look Tonight (medley) (3:21)
  8. I've Got a Crush on You (medley) (4:46)
  9. "Beauty of a woman's face" / segue (2:44)
  10. Cheek to Cheek (2:54)
  11. Let's Face the Music and Dance (2:24)
  12. "Trim gallants..." (2:52)
  13. There's No Business like Show Business (3:33)
  14. "Twelve months and a day..." (9:12)
  15. They Can't Take That Away from Me (4:35)
  16. "You that way, we this way..." (3:00)
  17. Cinetone News (1:35)
  18. Victory (3:02)