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Ocean's Twelve

Dane płyty

CD 2137
David Holmes
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Ocean's Twelve
Tytuł fimu polski:
Ocean's Twelve: Dogrywka


  1. L'Appuntamento (4:35) Ornella Vanoni
  2. $165 Million + Intereset (Into) The Round Up (5:43)
  3. L.S.D. Partie / Roland Vincent (3:00)
  4. Lifting The Building (2:34)
  5. 10:35 I Turn Off Camera 3 (2:25)
  6. Crepuscolo Sul Mare (2:44) Piero Umiliani
  7. What R We Stealing (3:21)
  8. Faust 72 (3:23) Dynastir Crisis
  9. Stealing The Stock (Into) Le Renard de Nuit (4:54)
  10. 7 / 29 / 04 The Day Of (3:12)
  11. Lazy (Album Version) (4:31) Yellow Hammer
  12. Explosive Corrisive Joseph (2:33) John Schroeder
  13. Yen On A Carousel (3:13)
  14. The Real Story (2:56)
  15. Ascension To Virginty (5:05) Dave Grusin