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Twilight - The Score

Dane płyty

CD 3929
Carter Burwell
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Twilight - The Score
Tytuł fimu polski:


  1. How I Would Die (1:56)
  2. Who Are They? (3:29)
  3. Treaty (1:59)
  4. Phascination Phase (2:07)
  5. Humans Are Predators Too (2:06)
  6. I Dreamt of Edward (1:10)
  7. I Know What You Are (2:37)
  8. The Most Dangerous Predator (2:24)
  9. The Skin of a Killer (3:00)
  10. The Lion Fell In Love With the Lamb (3:15)
  11. Complications (1:11)
  12. Dinner With His Family (0:40)
  13. I Would Be the Meal (1:30)
  14. Bella's Lullaby (2:23)
  15. Nomads (3:53)
  16. Stuck Here Like Mom (1:44)
  17. Bella Is Part of the Family (1:26)
  18. Tracking (2:19)
  19. In Place of Someone You Love (1:49)
  20. Showdown In the Ballet Studio (4:50)
  21. Edward At Her Bed (1:05)