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Blue Velvet

Dane płyty

CD 0228
Angelo Badalamenti
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Blue Velvet


  1. Main Title (1:25)
  2. Sandy and Jeffrey Night Streets (3:37)
  3. Frank (3:33)
  4. Jeffrey's Dark Side (1:49)
  5. Mysteries of Love (French Horn solo) (2:10)
  6. Frank Returns (4:38)
  7. Mysteries of Love (Instrumental) (4:17)
  8. Blue Star - Montage Blue Velvet (1:48)
  9. Going Down to Lincoln - Sound Effects Suite Lumberton U.S.A. (2:12)
  10. Akron Meets the Blues (2:41)
  11. Honky Tonk Part I (3:11) Bill Doggett
  12. In Dreams (2:49) Roy Orbison
  13. Love Letters (2:36) Ketty Lester
  14. Mysteries of Love (4:31) Julee Cruise