Katalog płyt CD PWSFTviT w Łodzi

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The American President

Dane płyty

CD 0445
Marc Shaiman
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The American President
Tytuł fimu polski:
Prezydent - miłość w Białym Domu


  1. Main Title (2:26)
  2. Call Me Andy (1:39)
  3. I Like Her (1:49)
  4. It's Meatloaf Night (0:40)
  5. The First Kiss (2:21)
  6. The Slow Down Plan (1:14)
  7. The Morning After, Meet The Press (2:12)
  8. Politics As Usual (0:57)
  9. Never Have An Airline At Christmas (0:35)
  10. I Have Dreamed ( The State Dinner ) (2:57)
  11. Camp David (1:30)
  12. Gathering Votes (2:36)
  13. Make The Deal (3:43)
  14. Decisions (1:45)
  15. President Shepherd (7:27)
  16. End Titles (5:15)