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The Tango Lesson

Dane płyty

CD 0722
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Tango Lesson
Tytuł fimu polski:
Lekcja tanga


  1. Milonga Triste (2:51) Hugo Diaz
  2. Now (1:45) Thomas Bloch / Fred Frith / Sally Potter
  3. Quejas De Bandoneón (2:41) Anibal Troilo
  4. Blue Red, Yellow (1:40) Thomas Bloch / Fred Frith
  5. Mi Buenos Aires Querido (2:40) Carlos Gardel
  6. El Flete (2:57) Juan D'Arienzo
  7. Rage (2:41) Thomas Bloch / Fred Frith / Sally Potter
  8. Zum (3:14) Osvaldo Pugliese
  9. Amor y Celos (2:20) Juan D'Arienzo
  10. Doyna (2:22) The Klezmatics
  11. Danse de Cuisine (2:26) Thomas Bloch / Fred Frith / Sally Potter
  12. Pénsalo Bien (2:20) Juan D'Arienzo
  13. La Yumba (2:47) Osvaldo Pugliese
  14. Jacob And The Angel (2:30) Thomas Bloch / Fred Frith / Sally Potter
  15. Milonga De Mis Amores (2:27) Juan D'Arienzo
  16. Gallo Ciego (3:35) Osvaldo Pugliese
  17. Libertango (2:45) Astor Piazzolla
  18. Bahía Blanca (2:56) Carlos Di Sarli
  19. I Am You (3:10) Sally Potter / Yo-Yo Ma / Nestor E. Marconi
  20. Libertango (reprise) (3:17) Yo-Yo Ma / Antonio Agri / Nestor E. Marconi / Horacio Malvicino