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William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Nights Dream

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CD 1024
Simon Boswell
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Nights Dream / A Midsummer Nights Dream
Tytuł fimu polski:
Sen nocy letniej


  1. Overture A Midsummer Night's Dream (11:31) Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
  2. Brindisi (La traviata) (2:52) Giuseppe Verdi / Renee Fleming / Marcello Giordani
  3. Che gelida manina (La Boheme) (4:38) Giacomo Puccini / Luciano Pavarotti
  4. The course of true love (3:23)
  5. Between the cold moon and the earth (3:20)
  6. Hot ice (2:22)
  7. The forgeries of jealousy (3:54)
  8. I know a place where the wild thyme blows (4:15)
  9. Casta diva (Norma) (7:05) Vincenzo Bellini / Renee Fleming
  10. Intermezzo (Cavaleria rusticana) (2:16) Pietro Mascagni
  11. What fools these mortals be (2:46)
  12. Strange Snow (3:35)
  13. Fair lovers you are fortunately met (A Midsummer Nights Dream) (1:45) Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
  14. Una furtiva lagrima (L'elisir d'amore) (3:40) Gaetano Donizetti / Roberto Alagna
  15. Wedding march (A Midsummer Nights Dream) (5:02) Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
  16. A most rare vision (5:54) Pietro Mascagni
  17. Non piu mesta (La Cenerentola) (3:14) Gioachino Rossini / Cecilia Bartoli