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Jeanne d'Arc

Dane płyty

CD 1092
Eric Serra
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Jeanne d'Arc / The Messenger. The Story of Joan of Arc
Tytuł fimu polski:
Joanna D'Arc


  1. Talk to him (2:31)
  2. A sword in a field (0:49)
  3. Joan and the wolves (1:17)
  4. Burying our children (1:32)
  5. No amen (1:53)
  6. At one with you (1:11)
  7. Chinon (1:06)
  8. Yolande (1:39)
  9. The messenger of God (2:44)
  10. Find him (1:21)
  11. Secrets of a strange wind (4:53)
  12. To the king of England (1:34)
  13. Sent by God (1:00)
  14. Procession to Orleans (1:32)
  15. Recrossing the river (2:16)
  16. The tourelles (4:12)
  17. La Hire's lucky charm (1:50)
  18. To arms ! (5:57)
  19. Armaturam Dei (3:22)
  20. The miracle of Orleans (2:01)
  21. Rex coronatur (2:48)
  22. Trial (3:37)
  23. Anger and confession (2:04)
  24. Answer me (1:15)
  25. The repentance (2:52)
  26. Angelus in medio ignis (2:17)
  27. My heart calling (4:40) Noa