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Toy Story 2

Dane płyty

CD 1098
Randy Newman
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Toy Story 2


  1. Woody's Roundup (1:53) Riders in the Sky
  2. When She Loved Me (3:05) Sarah McLachlan
  3. You've Got a Friend in Me (Wheezy) (2:56) Robert Goulet
  4. Zurg's Planet (3:39)
  5. Wheezy and the Yard Sale (3:11)
  6. Woody's Been Stolen (1:28)
  7. Chicken Man (1:17)
  8. Woody's Dream (3:55)
  9. Jessie and the Roundup Gang (1:24)
  10. Woody's a Star (1:28)
  11. Let's Save Woody (2:07)
  12. Off to the Museum (1:29)
  13. Talk to Jessie (0:43)
  14. The Cleaner (1:50)
  15. Al's Toy Barn (4:00)
  16. Emperor Zurg vs. Buzz (2:41)
  17. Use Your Head (4:18)
  18. Jessie's in Trouble (2:14)
  19. Ride Like the Wind (1:29)
  20. You've Got a Friend in Me (Instrumental) (3:11)