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Sweet and Lowdown

Dane płyty

CD 1112
Dick Hyman / Howard Alden
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Sweet and Lowdown
Tytuł fimu polski:
Słodki drań


  1. I'll see you in my Dreams (2:03)
  2. Caravan (3:32)
  3. Sweet Georgia Brown (2:19)
  4. Unfaithful Woman (2:07)
  5. Viper Mad (3:06)
  6. Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams (2:53)
  7. Old-Fashioned Love (7:26)
  8. Reinhardt & Grappelli (1:54)
  9. Just a Gigolo (2:12)
  10. 3:00 AM Blues (6:18)
  11. Gilbert & Sunshine Simons (1:43)
  12. It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got that Swing) (7:25)
  13. Shine (1:47)
  14. I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles (2:39)
  15. There'll Be Some Changes Made (3:31)