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The Ballad of Little Jo

Dane płyty

CD 1172
David Mansfield
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Ballad of Little Jo


  1. Prologue (0:49)
  2. Parasol Road (1:29)
  3. The Chase (1:53)
  4. Ruby City (5:00)
  5. Hoping for Gold (1:19)
  6. Think About Your Future (0:29)
  7. Miner's Dance (3:08)
  8. Homestead (1:50)
  9. Line Camp (3:05)
  10. Jo's New Coat (0:25)
  11. Sheep Shearing (0:42)
  12. Returning the Doll (0:54)
  13. Mary's Wedding (1:52)
  14. Tin Man (5:22)
  15. Slaughter (1:47)
  16. Sewing a Dress (0:39)
  17. Jo Makes a Deal (1:28)
  18. Run Little Lady (1:36)
  19. Ruth's Cure (1:59)
  20. A Sister's Letter (0:58)
  21. Change of Heart (3:03)
  22. Jo Dies (1:20)
  23. The Secret's Out (0:26)
  24. Frank Reads a Letter (1:01)
  25. Ballad for Little Jo (End Title) (3:14) Kate McGarrigle / Anna McGarrigle