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A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries

Dane płyty

CD 1257
Richard Robbins
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries


  1. Title Music (4:54)
  2. La Guira (3:13) Tito Puente
  3. Teenie Weenie Boppie (2:56) France Gall
  4. The Adoption Papers (1:56)
  5. Snails and Sex (3:07)
  6. Dommage (3:52) Graeme Allwright
  7. Francis Fortescue (2:15)
  8. Madame Beauvier's Attack (1:31)
  9. Gets Better Every Day (2:54)
  10. Di Doo Dah (3:34) Jane Birkin
  11. Sentimental Irish Poets (1:50)
  12. Good Friends Say Goodbye (1:29)
  13. Goin' Up the Country (2:52) Canned Heat
  14. Fireball (3:25) Deep Purple
  15. A New Home in America (2:04)
  16. Illness (2:53)
  17. Mon Coeur D'Attache (3:34) Enrico Macias
  18. Memories of Billy's Mother (1:24)
  19. Loss (2:20)
  20. Rubber Bullets (5:17) 10cc
  21. Fame (4:18) David Bowie
  22. The Journal (2:29)
  23. End Titles (2:38)