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England, My England. The Story of Henry Purcell

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CD 1276
Henry Purcell
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
England, My England. The Story of Henry Purcell


  1. Sonata for trumpet and strings in D. Allegro (1:21)
  2. Sonata for trumpet and strings in D. Adagio (1:30)
  3. Sonata for trumpet and strings in D. Allegro (1:21)
  4. The Married Beau. Overture (2:43)
  5. Come ye sons of art (No. 2) (1:53)
  6. Sound the trumpet (no. 3) (3:46)
  7. Saul and the Witch of Endor (10:21)
  8. The Indian Queen. Adagio (1:43)
  9. King Arthur. Fairest Isle (3:29)
  10. Upon a quiet conscience (3:57)
  11. Dido & Aeneas (4:54)
  12. Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary. March (1:24)
  13. Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary. "Man that is born a woman" (3:26)
  14. Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary. Canzona (2:03)
  15. Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary. "In yhe midst of life we are in death" (6:24)
  16. the secrets of our hearts" Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary. "Thou knowest, Lord (3:39)
  17. Abdelazer (1:30)
  18. King Arthur. Act I. "Come if you dare" (3:58)
  19. King Arthur. Act III. Prelude (0:26)
  20. King Arthur. Act III. "What ho! thou genius of this isle" (0:53)
  21. King Arthur. Act III. What power art thou" (2:57)
  22. King Arthur. Act III. "Thou doting fool" (0:54)
  23. King Arthur. Act III. "Great love, I know thee now" (0:43)
  24. King Arthur. Act III. "No part of my dominion" (0:58)
  25. King Arthur. Act III. Prelude (0:50)
  26. we assemble" King Arthur. Act III. "See, see (2:13)
  27. King Arthur. Act III. "Tis love that has warm'd us" (2:04)
  28. King Arthur. Act III. "Sound a parley" (3:55)
  29. King Arthur. Act III. Third Act Tune: Hornpipe (0:49)