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The Suspended Step of the Stork

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CD 1308
Eleni Karaindrou
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Suspended Step of the Stork


  1. Refugee's Theme (1:22)
  2. Search - Refugee's Theme Variation A (1:23)
  3. The Suspended Step (13:12)
  4. Train-Car Neighboorhood Variation A (1:31)
  5. Refugee's Theme (1:24)
  6. The River - Refugee's Theme (1:07)
  7. Refugee's Theme Symphonic Variation No. 1 (2:17)
  8. Train-Car Neighboorhood Variation B (1:39)
  9. Refugee's Theme Symphonic Variation No. 2 (0:47)
  10. Hassaposerviko (1:46)
  11. Search - Refugee's Theme Variation B (1:18)
  12. Waltz Of The Bride (2:38)
  13. Finale (4:20)
  14. The River - Refugee's Theme (1:14)