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Total Recall

Dane płyty

CD 1390
Jerry Goldsmith
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Total Recall
Tytuł fimu polski:
Pamięć absolutna


  1. The Dream (3:35)
  2. First Meeting (1:13)
  3. Secret Agent (0:55)
  4. The Implant (2:44)
  5. The Aftermath (0:33)
  6. For Old Times' Sake (3:03)
  7. Clever Girl (4:33)
  8. The Johnny Cab (3:50)
  9. Howdy Stranger (2:03)
  10. The Nose Job (1:58)
  11. The Space Station (0:50)
  12. A New Face (1:32)
  13. The Mountain (1:30)
  14. Identification (1:05)
  15. Lies (1:08)
  16. Where Am I? (4:03)
  17. Swallow It (3:07)
  18. The Big Jump (4:36)
  19. Without Air (1:18)
  20. Remembering (1:53)
  21. The Mutant (3:19)
  22. The Massacre (2:37)
  23. Friends (1:43)
  24. The Treatment (5:40)
  25. The Hollowgram (5:40)
  26. End of a Dream (5:46)
  27. A New Life (3:46)