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Kate & Leopold

Dane płyty

CD 1556
Rolfe Kent
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Kate & Leopold


  1. A Clock in New York (1:25)
  2. I Want Him Resplendent (1:26)
  3. Leopold Chases Stuart to Booklyn (1:54)
  4. That Was Your Best ? (1:17)
  5. Let's Go! (3:03)
  6. Leopold Sees the Completed Bridge (0:48)
  7. "You Did so Great" (Kate's Theme) (1:18)
  8. Galloping (1:21)
  9. "Dearest Kate..." (2:13)
  10. Prolixin / Leopold & Charlie Buy Flowers (2:20)
  11. Charlie Wins Patrice, Leopold Wins Kate (3:41)
  12. Secret Drawer (2:01)
  13. Time for Bed (2:14)
  14. Charlie Realizes Leopold Was For Real (1:30)
  15. Kate Goes to the Awards (2:24)
  16. Kate Sees the Pictures - "I Have to Go" (2:54)
  17. "You Have to Cross the Girder" (1:51)
  18. Back in 1876 - Waltz (2:12)
  19. Back Where I Belong (2:58) Jula Bell
  20. Until... (3:12) Sting