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The 10th Kingdom

Dane płyty

CD 1608
Anne Dudley
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The 10th Kingdom


  1. The 4 Who Saved the 9 Kingdoms (2:40)
  2. Standing on the Edge of Greatness (1:50)
  3. Six Glorious Wishes (2:03)
  4. Addicted to Magic (2:43)
  5. The House of White (2:44)
  6. Troll Trouble (3:45)
  7. Flowers Only Grow Where There are Seeds (2:18)
  8. The Dwarves of Dragon Mountain (2:32)
  9. Nothing Escapes the Huntsman (2:26)
  10. A Stepmother's Curse (3:04)
  11. The Dog Formerly Known as Prince (1:56)
  12. Blood on the Snow (1:28)
  13. Trolls in New York (1:25)
  14. A Travelling Mirror (1:59)
  15. Kissing Town (2:16)
  16. A Gypsy Incantation (2:21)
  17. These are Dark Days (3:14)
  18. Seven Years Bad Luck (2:32)
  19. The Days of Happy Ever After are Gone (2:13)
  20. When the Wild Moon Calls You (2:34)
  21. Still Lost in the Forest (2:57)
  22. Become Do Not Think (2:19)
  23. Wishing on a Star (1:33) Miriam Stockley