Katalog płyt CD PWSFTviT w Łodzi

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Gangs of New York

Dane płyty

CD 1706
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Gangs of New York
Tytuł fimu polski:
Gangi Nowego Jorku


  1. "Brooklyn Heights" 1 (2:16) Howard Shore
  2. Dark Moon, High Tide (4:06) Afro Celt Sound System
  3. Gospel Tram (2:30) Silver Leaf Quartet
  4. The Hands That Built America (4:35) U2
  5. Shimmy She Wobble (3:37) Othar Turner / The Rising Star Pipeand Drum Band
  6. Breakaway (3:32) Sidney Stripling
  7. Signal To Noise (7:38) Peter Gabriel
  8. New York Girls (4:03) Finbar Furey
  9. The Murderer's Home (0:47) Jimpson and Group
  10. Dionysus (4:52) Jocelyn Pook
  11. "Brooklyn Heights" 2 (2:00) Howard Shore
  12. Morrison's Jig / Liberty (1:46) Mariano De Simone
  13. Durgen Chugaa (0:53) Shu-De
  14. Unconstant Lover (2:34) Vittorio Schiboni / Massimo Giuntini / Rodrigo D'Erasmo / Mariano De Simone
  15. Devil's Tapdance (1:47) Vittorio Schiboni / Massimo Giuntini / Rodrigo D'Erasmo / Mariano De Simone
  16. Beijing Opera Suite (3:27) Da-Can Chen / Anxi Jiang
  17. Paddy's Lamentation (2:53) Linda Thompson
  18. "Brooklyn Heights" 3 (3:25) Howard Shore