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Monty Python Sings

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CD 0131
Monty Python


  1. Always look on the bright side of life (3:37)
  2. Sit on my face (0:48)
  3. Lumberjack Song (3:24)
  4. Penis Song (0:44)
  5. Oliver Cromwell (4:12)
  6. Money Song (0:57)
  7. Accoutancy Shanty (1:19)
  8. Finland (2:05)
  9. Medical Love Song (3:36)
  10. I'm so worried (3:21)
  11. Every Sperm is sacred (4:36)
  12. Never be rud to an Arab (1:05)
  13. I like Chinese (3:14)
  14. Eric the half a bee (2:11)
  15. Brain Song (2:41)
  16. Brucee's Philosophers Song (0:56)
  17. Meaning of life (2:19)
  18. Knights of the roundtable (1:08)
  19. All things Dull and Ugly (1:37)
  20. Decomposing compsers (2:48)
  21. Henry Kissinger (1:33)
  22. I've got two legs (0:36)
  23. Christmas in heaven (2:48)
  24. Galaxy Song (2:45)
  25. Spam Song (0:48)