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CD 0141
Barrington Pheloung
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:


  1. The World Is Breaking (2:55)
  2. Love Theme (4:20)
  3. Kyrie I (1:06)
  4. Christie (1:39)
  5. Kyrie II (1:08)
  6. The Inquisition (2:24)
  7. The Family History (1:43)
  8. Et Quant Je Suis Couche (0:34)
  9. Vray Dieu d'Amours (1:11)
  10. Black Rain (1:31)
  11. Agnus Dei I (1:42)
  12. Agnus Dei II (2:18)
  13. Agnus Dei III (3:27)
  14. Reprise Of Love Theme (1:19)
  15. I Have Seen Paradise (4:34)
  16. Basse Danse (1:55)
  17. Gaillarde (0:52)
  18. The Plague (2:41)
  19. L'amour De Moy (2:11)
  20. The Passion (3:07)
  21. Danse Du Roy (1:07)
  22. Saltarello (0:39)
  23. Mille Regretz (1:51)
  24. The Monastery (2:11)
  25. Allegez Moy (2:12)
  26. A New Trust (0:58)
  27. Mille Regretz (2:51)
  28. Love-The Showering Of Christ (1:48)
  29. The Wedding-The Burning Of The Books (5:21)
  30. Absalon Fili Mi (4:44)
  31. Danger-Inspiration-Paradise (1:54)
  32. Sed Quando Sub Movenda Erit Ignorantia (7:26)