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Girl with a Pearl Earring

Dane płyty

CD 1947
Alexandre Desplat
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Girl with a Pearl Earring
Tytuł fimu polski:
Dziewczyna z perłą


  1. Girl with a Pearl Earring (2:17)
  2. Griet's Theme (4:10)
  3. A New Life (3:07)
  4. The Master's House (3:18)
  5. Camera Obscura (1:30)
  6. The Birth Feast (2:47)
  7. Cornelia (1:45)
  8. Vermeer's Studio (3:08)
  9. Winter Nights (2:08)
  10. Van Ruijven (3:33)
  11. Home (1:15)
  12. Colours in the Clouds (3:30)
  13. The Master is Painting (2:06)
  14. By the Canal with Pieter (1:47)
  15. Catharina's Pearls (1:23)
  16. Colours in the Clouds (Strings) (3:28)
  17. Girl With a Pearl Earring (Reprise) (2:19)
  18. Silence and Light (Piano Solo) (1:40)
  19. Griet's Theme (Reprise) (4:19)
  20. Griet Remembers (1:00)