Katalog płyt CD PWSFTviT w Łodzi

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Good night, and good luck.

Dane płyty

CD 2554
Dianne Reeves
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Good night, and good luck.


  1. Straighten Up And Fly Right (2:44)
  2. I've Got My Eyes On You (2:06)
  3. Gotta Be This Or That (3:16)
  4. Too Close For Comfort (3:50)
  5. How High The Moon (2:22)
  6. Who's Minding The Store? (4:31)
  7. You're Driving Me Crazy (1:57)
  8. Pretend (4:01)
  9. Solitude (5:28)
  10. TV Is The Thing This Year (1:43)
  11. Pick Yourself Up (2:38)
  12. When I Fall In Love (3:52)
  13. Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall (4:08)
  14. There'll Be Another Spring (4:43)
  15. One For My Baby (3:50)