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Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Dane płyty

CD 0160
Patrick Doyle
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Tytuł fimu polski:


  1. To Think Of A Story (3:29)
  2. What's Out There? (2:51)
  3. There's An Answer (4:37)
  4. I Won't If You Won't (2:00)
  5. A Perilous Direction (3:21)
  6. A Risk Worth Taking (3:22)
  7. Victor Begins (0:54)
  8. Even If You Die (2:16)
  9. The Creation (2:02)
  10. Evil Stitched To Evil (4:46)
  11. The Escape (1:49)
  12. The Reunion (0:48)
  13. The Journal (1:04)
  14. Friendless (2:11)
  15. William! (2:46)
  16. Sea Of Ice Death Of Justine (3:57)
  17. Yes I Speak (5:39)
  18. God Forgive Me (0:59)
  19. Please Wait (3:21)
  20. The Honeymoon (1:19)
  21. The Wedding Night (2:08)
  22. Elizabeth (4:14)
  23. She's Beautiful (3:37)
  24. He Was My Father (6:24)