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World Trade Center

Dane płyty

CD 2582
Craig Armstrong
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
World Trade Center


  1. World Trade Center Cello Theme (3:43)
  2. World Trade Center Piano Theme (4:00)
  3. New York Awakes (2:29)
  4. The Drive Downtown (3:52)
  5. Rise Above The Towers (2:26)
  6. World Trade Center Choral Piece (2:41)
  7. John & Donna Talk About Tweir Family (1:25)
  8. Ethereal (5:24)
  9. John's Woodshed (1:38)
  10. Marine Arrives At Ground Zero (2:57)
  11. Will and Allison In The Hospital (1:53)
  12. Allison At The Stoplight (1:07)
  13. Jimeno Sees Jesus (1:42)
  14. John and Will Found / Will Ascends (5:05)
  15. John's Apparition (2:30)
  16. John Rescued / Resolution (7:46)
  17. Elegy (4:39)
  18. Ethereal Piano Coda (2:09)