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All The King's Men

Dane płyty

CD 2722
James Horner
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
All The King's Men
Tytuł fimu polski:
Wszyscy ludzie króla


  1. Main Title (4:28)
  2. "Time Brings All Things To Light." (1:43)
  3. "Give Me The Hammer and I'll Nail 'Em Up!" (5:57)
  4. "Bring Down The Lion And The Rest Of The Jungle Will Quake In Fear." (3:32)
  5. Conjuring The "Hick" Vote (3:12)
  6. Anne's Memories (2:45)
  7. Adam's World (3:41)
  8. Jack's Childhood (2:20)
  9. The Rise To Power (3:15)
  10. Love's Betrayal (2:52)
  11. Only Faded Pictures (2:47)
  12. As We Were Children Once (2:47)
  13. Verdict And Punishment (5:58)
  14. All Our Lives Collide (3:21)
  15. "Time Brings All Things To Light... I Trust It So." (7:36)