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Bridge To Terabithia

Dane płyty

CD 2741
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Bridge To Terabithia
Tytuł fimu polski:
Most do Terabithii


  1. I Learned From You (3:24) Miley Cyrus
  2. Try (3:19) Hayden Panettiere
  3. Keep Your Mind Wide Open (3:36) Annasophia Robb
  4. A Place For Us (4:01) Leigh Nash / Tyler James
  5. Another Layer (3:30) Jon McLaughlin
  6. Shine (3:52) The Skies of America
  7. Look Through My Eyes (3:11) Everlife
  8. Right Here (4:13) Jeremy Camp
  9. When You Love Someone (3:30) Bethany Dillon
  10. Seeing Terabithia (1:07) Aaron Zigman
  11. Into The Forest (5:59) Aaron Zigman
  12. The Battle (6:12) Aaron Zigman
  13. Jesse's Bridge (1:34) Aaron Zigman