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Music and Lyrics

Dane płyty

CD 2740
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Music and Lyrics
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Prosto w serce


  1. Pop! Goes My Heart (3:16) Hugh Grant
  2. Buddha's Delight (2:50) Haley Bannett
  3. Meaningless Kiss (3:51) Hugh Grant
  4. Entering Bootytown (3:26) Haley Bennett
  5. Way Back Into Love (Demo Version) (4:14) Hugh Grant / Drew Barrymore
  6. The Sounds (3:12) Tony The Beat
  7. Dance With Me Tonight (3:00) Hugh Grant
  8. Slam (3:48) Haley Bennett
  9. Don't Write Me Off (2:32) Hugh Grant
  10. Way Back Into Love (4:39) Hugh Grant / Haley Bennett
  11. Different Sound (3:25) TeddyBears
  12. Love Autopsy (0:40) Hugh Grant