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Smokin' Aces

Dane płyty

CD 2984
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Smokin' Aces
Tytuł fimu polski:
As w rękawie


  1. First Warning (4:22) The Prodigy
  2. Ace Of Spades (2:47) Motorhead
  3. Down On The Street (3:45) The Stooges
  4. Play Your Cards (3:09) Common
  5. Trespassing (3:59) Skull Snaps
  6. Segura O Sambura (2:54) Nilton Castro
  7. Touch Me Again (4:24) Bernard Pretty Purdie
  8. Under The Street Lamp (2:51) Joe Bataan
  9. I Gotcha' Back (5:00) Gza / Genius
  10. I Love You (4:35) The Bees
  11. Morte Di Un Soldato (3:10) Ennio Morricone
  12. Save Yourself (3:21) The Make Up
  13. Like Light to The Flies (5:44) Trivium
  14. FBI (3:03) Clint Mansell
  15. Shell Shock (3:10) Clint Mansell