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Little Tom Thumb

Dane płyty

CD 3679
Joe Hisaishi
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Little Tom Thumb
Tytuł fimu polski:
Tomcio Paluch


  1. Close Your Eyes (2:28)
  2. Little Tom Thumb (Main Theme) (3:53)
  3. Rose's Forest (4:23)
  4. The Pillagers Attack (5:56)
  5. On The Road Of White Stones (3:44)
  6. Lost (2:19)
  7. The Golden Coins (1:34)
  8. Wolves! (3:40)
  9. The Red House (4:53)
  10. At The Ogre's Dinner (2:34)
  11. The Private Secrets (1:30)
  12. The Ogre (2:23)
  13. The Red Forest (2:51)
  14. Between The Ogre And The Cliff (2:08)
  15. The Duel (2:43)
  16. The Qeen Messenger (2:08)
  17. Close Your Eyes (Ending Theme Song) (4:29)
  18. "La lune brille pour toi" (4:28) Vanessa Paradis