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The Music of Ennio Morricone

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CD 3717
Ennio Morricone / The Studio London Orchestra
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Music of Ennio Morricone


  1. Once upon a time in the West (4:01)
  2. The man with the harmonica (3:27)
  3. For a few dollars more (2:47)
  4. My name is nobody (3:08)
  5. Cockeye's song (4:15)
  6. The good, the bad, the ugly (3:00)
  7. Chi Mai (3:34)
  8. A fistful of dollars (1:53)
  9. Here's to you (3:09)
  10. Poem of a woman (3:18)
  11. Moses Theme (2:46)
  12. The Adventurer (3:44)
  13. Le Train (3:12)
  14. Orient Expres (4:12)
  15. A gun for Ringo (2:23)
  16. Bye bye Colonel (2:07)
  17. Good luck Jack (6:08)
  18. A fistful of dynamite (4:43)
  19. La Libertad (1:57)
  20. The secret (4:02)