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The Godfather. Part II

Dane płyty

CD 0196
Nino Rota / Carmine Coppola
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Godfather. Part II
Tytuł fimu polski:
Ojciec chrzestny II


  1. The Immigrant Main Title (3:28)
  2. A New Carpet (2:00)
  3. Kay (3:00)
  4. Ev'ry Time I Look in Your Eyes, After the Party (2:35)
  5. Vito and Abbandando (2:38)
  6. Napule Ve Salute Senza Mama, Ciuri-Ciuri (2:36)
  7. The Godfather at Home (2:35)
  8. Remember Vito Andolini (2:52)
  9. Michael Comes Home (2:19)
  10. Marcia Stilo Italiano (2:02)
  11. Ninna Nanna A Michele (2:22)
  12. The Brothers Mourn (3:21)
  13. Murder of Don Fanucci (2:50)
  14. End Title (4:01)