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Dane płyty

CD 4269
Danny Elfman
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Tytuł fimu polski:
Obywatel Milk


  1. Queen Bitch (3:14) David Bowie
  2. Everyday People (2:21) Sly / The Family Stone
  3. Rock The Boat (3:19) The Hues Corporation
  4. You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real) (6:35) Sylvester
  5. Hello Hello (2:24) The Sopwith Camel
  6. Prelude No. 7 in E flat (The Well Tempered Clavier - Book 2 BWV 876) (2:42) The Swingle Singers
  7. Harvey' s Theme (1:11)
  8. Main Titles (3:05)
  9. Harvey's Will (1:40)
  10. The Castro (0:59)
  11. The Kiss (0:45)
  12. Politics Is Theater (3:15)
  13. New Hope (1:45)
  14. Harvey Wins (0:31)
  15. Proposition 6 (1:25)
  16. Repealed Rights (1:03)
  17. Gay Rights Now! (2:20)
  18. Dog Poo (0:25)
  19. Vote Passes (0:53)
  20. Briggs Pushing (0:44)
  21. The Debates (2:48)
  22. Weepy Donuts (0:52)
  23. Harvey's Last Day (3:11)
  24. Give'em Hope (4:41)
  25. Postscript (2:03)
  26. Harvey's Theme 2 (1:15)
  27. Anita's Theme (0:52)
  28. Main Titles Sax Solo (2:32)