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Road House

Dane płyty

CD 4510
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Road House
Tytuł fimu polski:


  1. Roadhouse Blues (4:51) The Jeff Healey Band
  2. Blue Monday (2:22) Bob Seger
  3. I'm Tore Down (4:26) The Jeff Healey Band
  4. These Arms of Mine (2:31) Otis Redding
  5. When the Night Comes Falling From the Sky (4:54) The Jeff Healey Band
  6. Rad Gumbo (3:30) Little Feat
  7. Raising Heaven (In Hell Tonight) (4:41) Patrick Swayze
  8. A Good Heart (4:59) Kris McKay
  9. Hoochie Coochie Man (5:14) The Jeff Healey Band
  10. Cliff's Edge (4:01) Patrick Swayze