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Tucker - the man and his dream

Dane płyty

CD 4969
Joe Jackson
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Tucker - the man and his dream
Tytuł fimu polski:
Tucker - konstruktorzy marzeń


  1. Captain of industry (2:32)
  2. The car of tomorrow-today (1:34)
  3. No chance blues (2:30)
  4. (He's a) shape in a drape (2:59)
  5. Factory (1:08)
  6. Vera (2:30)
  7. It pays to advertise (0:41)
  8. Tiger rag (2:09)
  9. Showtime in Chicago (2:46)
  10. Lone bank loan blues (1:11)
  11. Speedway (2:40)
  12. Marilee (3:03)
  13. Hangin'in howard hughes hangar (2:37)
  14. Toast of the town (1:25)
  15. Abe's blues (2:42)
  16. The Trial (6:46)
  17. Freedom swing / Tucker jingle (1:38)
  18. Rhythm delivery (3:24)