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Mildred Pierce

Dane płyty

CD 6034
Carter Burwell
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Mildred Pierce


  1. Mildred Pierce Opening Titles (1:42)
  2. Milenberg Joys (2:56)
  3. Hungry And Harried (3:47)
  4. Position Filled (2:39)
  5. I'm Always Chasing Rainbows (3:15)
  6. Mounting Monty (2:30)
  7. Self Assessment (1:41)
  8. Chopin: Fantaisie-Impromptu In C-sharp Minor (5:08)
  9. Ray Dies (3:01)
  10. Mildred Pierce End Titles (1:55)
  11. One More Time (2:54)
  12. Moving On (2:24)
  13. Mildred's Escape (3:03)
  14. Rachmaninoff: Prelude (1:42)
  15. Away From You (3:57)
  16. Delibes: The Bell Song from "Lakme" (8:21)
  17. Amongst Graves (1:35)
  18. Easy To Love (2:49)
  19. Veda's Window (3:06)
  20. The Big Night (2:10)
  21. Bellini: Qui La Voce From "I Purtitani" (4:12)
  22. Blindsided (3:44)
  23. I'm Always Chasing Rainbows (1:30)
  24. Me Reverie (3:30)
  25. I Don't Need You Either (2:35)
  26. To Hell With Her (2:16)
  27. Brought Home (0:45)