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Morderstwa w Midsomer

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CD 6220
Jim Parker
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Midsomer Murders
Tytuł fimu polski:
Morderstwa w Midsomer


  1. Midsomer Murders (2:53)
  2. Agnus Dei (2:05)
  3. The Villagers' Serenade (Inst. Version) (2:05)
  4. Isobel (2:08)
  5. Cambridge (1:58)
  6. Libera Me (2:08)
  7. Driving Home (1:49)
  8. Discovery of a Dead Body (3:56)
  9. Hunting (1:51)
  10. The Commune (2:46)
  11. The Alcoholic Fox-trot (1:42)
  12. Sarah's Lament (2:00)
  13. The Madonna's Statue (2:48)
  14. Milking Time (2:10)
  15. A Roving (2:42)
  16. Ancient Rome (2:48)
  17. The Postman (2:38)
  18. Looking For Clues (2:08)
  19. Rosa (2:01)
  20. The Village Band (1:57)
  21. An Irish Boy (3:15)
  22. Cully's Tune (1:57)
  23. Haunted Rooms (2:32)
  24. Bunny Cakes (2:18)
  25. Magic Pipes (1:44)
  26. Meeting in the Dark (2:22)
  27. The Fairground (2:05)