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Kill Bill vol. 1

Dane płyty

CD 6658
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Kill Bill


  1. Bang Bang (0:00) Nancy Sinatra
  2. That Certain Female (0:00) Charlie Feathers
  3. The Grand Duel (0:00) Luis Bacalov
  4. Twisted Nerve (0:00) Bernard Herrmann
  5. Queen Of The Crime Council (0:00)
  6. Ode To Oren Ishii (0:00) The Rza
  7. Run Fay Run (0:00) Isaac Hayes
  8. Green Hornet (0:00) Al Hirt
  9. Battle Without Honor Or Humanity (0:00) Tomoyasu Hotei
  10. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood (0:00) Santa Esmeralda
  11. Woo Hoo (0:00) The's
  12. The Rza / Charles Bernstein (0:00) Crane - White Lightning
  13. The Flower Of Carnage (0:00) Meiko Kaji
  14. The Lonely Shepherd (0:00) Zamfir
  15. You're My Wicked Life (0:00)
  16. Ironside (0:00) Quincy Jones
  17. Super 16 (0:00) Neu!