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CD 7293
Antonio Sanchez
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:


  1. Get ready (1:30)
  2. Dirty walk (1:36)
  3. Just chatting (0:36)
  4. Waiting for what? (1:38)
  5. Semi comfortable in 3 (1:10)
  6. Strut part I (1:18)
  7. Doors and distance (2:20)
  8. Night chatter (1:59)
  9. Almost human (1:25)
  10. Schizo (1:54)
  11. Internal war (2:53)
  12. Kinda messy (0:36)
  13. Strut part II (1:22)
  14. Claustrophobia (1:12)
  15. Fire trail (0:50)
  16. The anxious nattle for sanity (6:40)
  17. Symphony no. 9 in D- 1st movement: Andante Comodo (5:37) Gustav Mahler
  18. Symphony no. 5 op.64 in E Minor: Andante Cantabile (12:52) Piotr Czajkowski
  19. Ich bin der welt abhanden gekommen (7:04) Gustav Mahler
  20. Passacaille (trés large) (7:25) Maurice Ravel
  21. Prologue: chorus of exiled Palestinians (8:42) John Adams
  22. op.27- II Allegro Molto Symphony no. 2 in E Minor (7:20) Siergiej Rachmaninow