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Suite Francaise

Dane płyty

CD 7385
Rael Jones
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Suite Francaise


  1. musik Musik (2:53) Otto Stanzel
  2. Parlez-moi d'amour (2:56) Lucienne Boyer
  3. Das ist Berlin (3:01) Oscar Joost
  4. De temps en temps (3:23) Josephine Baker
  5. Bal ami (3:30) Rosita Serrano
  6. I am free (4:57)
  7. Threat of occupation (1:48)
  8. Bleed you dry (3:38)
  9. Like tinnitus (3:47)
  10. The Germans arrive (2:22)
  11. Getting used to it (1:59)
  12. Green shoots (1:26)
  13. Enemies forever (3:09)
  14. Bruno's theme (0:59) Rael Jones
  15. Sunlit kiss (3:41)
  16. Slanderous latters (2:50)
  17. Running through woods (1:52)
  18. They come for Benoit (2:54)
  19. Raids (5:57)
  20. Precious to me (1:49)