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Kung Fu Panda 3

Dane płyty

CD 7645
Hans Zimmer
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Kung Fu Panda 3
Tytuł fimu polski:
Kung Fu Panda 3


  1. Oogway's Legacy (2:00)
  2. Hungry for Lunch (1:15)
  3. The Power of Chi (4:12)
  4. The Arrival of Kai (2:01)
  5. a New Father (3:13)
  6. The Hall of Heroes (2:59)
  7. The Legend of Kai (4:01)
  8. The Panda Village (3:39)
  9. Mei Mei's Ribbon Dance (2:05)
  10. Jaded (3:54)
  11. How To Be a Panda (1:53)
  12. Portrait of Mom (1:48)
  13. Po Belongs (2:52)
  14. Kai is Closer (3:15)
  15. Two Fathers (3:11)
  16. The Battle of Legends (3:31)
  17. The Spirit Realm (3:18)
  18. The Dragon Warrior (2:51)
  19. Passing the Torch (4:15)
  20. Father and Son (3:00)
  21. Kung Fu Fighting (Celebration Time) (2:59)
  22. Try (4:00) Patrick Brasca / Jay Chou
  23. Kung Fu Fighting (3:05) The Vamps