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Our Planet

Dane płyty

CD 8616/2
Steven Price
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Our Planet
Tytuł fimu polski:
Nasza planeta


  1. Deserts And Grasslands (2:56)
  2. The Mighty Mekong (2:02)
  3. Corals (2:17)
  4. Leaf Cutters (1:18)
  5. Chernobyl (7:04)
  6. Into The Woodlands (4:36)
  7. Signature Moves (2:35)
  8. Every Other Breath You Take (4:22)
  9. Arctic Refugees (6:39)
  10. A Sudden Turn (2:11)
  11. A Nest Of Bubbles (1:57)
  12. He Wins Her Approval (1:42)
  13. Majestic Submarine Forests (2:28)
  14. They Came Back (2:34)
  15. We Must Preserve What's Left (2:28)
  16. Ice Caves (2:27)
  17. Mythical Creatures Follow (3:32)
  18. They Have Come To A Desert (1:42)
  19. This Glacial Ice (7:42)
  20. A Greater Resilience (4:03)
  21. The Next Twenty Years (1:41)
  22. In This Together (4:44) Ellie Goulding & Steven Price