Katalog płyt CD PWSFTviT w Łodzi

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West Side Story

Dane płyty

CD 0301/2
Leonard Bernstein
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
West Side Story / On The Waterfront
Tytuł fimu polski:
Na nabrzeżach


  1. I Feel Pretty (3:26)
  2. Ballet Sequence (1:05)
  3. Ballet Sequence - Transition To Scherzo (0:37)
  4. Ballet Sequence (Scherzo) (1:31)
  5. Ballet Sequence (Somewhere) (2:36)
  6. Ballet Sequence (Procession And Nightmare) (3:15)
  7. Gee, Officer Krupke (4:19)
  8. A Boy Like That (2:05)
  9. I Have A Love (3:29)
  10. Taunting Scene (1:26)
  11. Finale (2:45)
  12. On The Waterfront - Andante (3:17)
  13. On The Waterfront (Adagio) (2:23)
  14. On The Waterfront (Andante Largamente) (5:11)
  15. On The Waterfront (Moving Forward) (3:45)
  16. On The Waterfront (Allegro Non Troppo) (4:44)
  17. On The Waterfront (A Tempo) (2:26)