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Batman Forever

Dane płyty

CD 0306
Elliot Goldenthal
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Batman Forever


  1. Main Titles & Fanfare (1:49)
  2. Perpetuum Mobile (0:54)
  3. The Perils of Gotham (3:00)
  4. Chase Noir (1:44)
  5. Fledermausmarschmusik (1:15)
  6. Nygma Variations (an ode to science) (6:02)
  7. Victory (2:36)
  8. Descent (1:07)
  9. The Pull of Regret (2:49)
  10. Mouth to Mouth Nocturne (2:14)
  11. Gotham City Boogie (2:02)
  12. Under the Top (5:41)
  13. waltz & tango) Mr. E's Dance Card (rhumba, foxtrot (3:20)
  14. Two-Face Three Step (2:20)
  15. Chase Blanc (1:23)
  16. Spank Me! Overture (2:45)
  17. Holy Rusted Metal (1:51)
  18. Batterdammerung (1:31)