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The Grey Fox

Dane płyty

CD 0330
Michael Conway Baker
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Grey Fox


  1. The Big Ride (,2) (1:50)
  2. Main Titles (1:48) The Chieftains
  3. Oyster Bed Sequence (2:23) The Chieftains
  4. Nickleodeon Sequence (1:35)
  5. The Oregon Robbery (1:12)
  6. Ride Through Colors (1:51)
  7. Country Store Sequence (1:42) The Chieftains
  8. Ride to Kamloops (1:04) The Chieftains
  9. Ride to Kamloops (1:04)
  10. A Golf Waltz (1:21)
  11. Sweet Betsy From Pike (traditional) (1:47) Richard Farnsworth
  12. The Big Ride (,3) (2:43)
  13. The Grey Fox Theme (2:43)
  14. Meeting Train at Ducks Siding (2:41) The Chieftains
  15. Kate's Waltz (2:08)
  16. Miner's Confessions to Kate (1:34)
  17. The Chase (3:36) The Chieftains
  18. The Chase (1:38)
  19. End Titles (2:52) The Chieftains
  20. The Big Ride (,1) (1:51)