Katalog płyt CD PWSFTviT w Łodzi

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Never Before and Never Again

Dane płyty

CD 0339
Marilyn Monroe


  1. Do it again (3:13)
  2. Kiss (3:01)
  3. You'd be surprised (3:04)
  4. A fine romance (2:21)
  5. She acts like a woman should (2:47)
  6. Heat wave (4:22)
  7. Diamonds are a girl's best friend (3:32)
  8. A little girl from Little Rock (3:03)
  9. nothing goes right When love goes wrong (3:28)
  10. Bye Bye (5:31)
  11. I'm gonna file my claim (2:37)
  12. River of no return (2:13)
  13. Lazy (3:34)
  14. Running wild (1:05)
  15. I wanna be loved by you (2:59)
  16. I'm through with love (2:30)
  17. My heart belongs to daddy (5:01)
  18. Happy birthday to John F. Kennedy (0:58)