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Mr. Holland's Opus

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CD 0397
Michael Kamen
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Mr. Holland's Opus
Tytuł fimu polski:
Symfonia życia


  1. Mr. Holland Begins (2:58)
  2. Iris And Glen (2:30)
  3. Practice Practice, Practice (3:51)
  4. Children Should Listen To Mozart New Baby, Coltrane (3:21)
  5. Rush To Hospital (3:22)
  6. 7th Symphony. Allegretto (11:08) Ludwig van Beethoven
  7. Cole's Tune (4:19)
  8. Vietnam (4:31)
  9. Rowena (6:14)
  10. Concerto For 3 Harpsichords In C - 1st Movement (7:52) Johann Sebastian Bach
  11. Thank You Mr. Holland (5:09)
  12. An American Symphony (8:28)
  13. Cole's Song (4:00) Julian Lennon