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The Scarlet Letter

Dane płyty

CD 0416
John Barry
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Scarlet Letter
Tytuł fimu polski:
Szkarłatna litera


  1. Main Title -The Arrival -Search for Home (6:16)
  2. Hester rides to town (1:05)
  3. The Bird - The Swimmer (3:07) Peter Buffett
  4. A very exhilirating read (2:10)
  5. I'm not the man I seem (2:40)
  6. Agnus Dei (based on Adagio for strings) (10:51) Samuel Barber
  7. I can see what others cannot (1:04)
  8. Love Scene (6:44)
  9. Are you with child (2:06)
  10. A small act of contrition (2:24)
  11. The Birth (2:05)
  12. I baptize this child - Pearl (2:01)
  13. She will not speak (3:24)
  14. Dr. Roger Prynne (1:40)
  15. Hester walks through town (1:50)
  16. Poor fatherless child (2:08)
  17. An attempt at rape (3:00)
  18. The savages have killed him (1:50)
  19. The round-up (1:54)
  20. I am the father of her child (2:16)
  21. The Indians attack (2:47)
  22. The letter that served a purpose (2:35)
  23. End title (4:27)