Katalog płyt CD PWSFTviT w Łodzi

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Trois couleurs. Blanc

Dane płyty

CD 0040
Zbigniew Preisner
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Trois couleurs. Blanc
Tytuł fimu polski:
Trzy kolory. Biały


  1. The beginning (1:18)
  2. The court (1:06)
  3. Dominique tries to go home (1:16)
  4. A chat in the underground (2:15)
  5. Return to Poland (1:28)
  6. Home at last (1:26)
  7. On the Wisla (1:14)
  8. First job (0:50)
  9. Don't fall asleep (0:47)
  10. After the first transaction (1:22)
  11. Attempted murder (1:26)
  12. The party on the Wisla (1:49)
  13. Don Karol I (0:54)
  14. Phone call to Dominique (0:39)
  15. Funeral music (1:31)
  16. Don Karol II (0:54)
  17. Morning at the hotel (2:26)
  18. Dominique's arrest (1:48)
  19. Don Karol III (1:28)
  20. Dominique in prison (2:27)
  21. The end (2:39)